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All You Need To Know About Travel Insurance

Travel insurance becomes a vital factor in all of the modern travel plans. But before getting in steps of obtaining them it is paramount for any individual to know what exactly travel insurance is all about. Travel Insurance is an insurance product that covers unforeseen losses like loss of luggage, delays, and death or injury while traveling domestic or international. So, when it comes to the importance of travel insurance, you must have heard enough to last at least one lifetime. But it is a fact and, shockingly, many of you while traveling ignore the chances of medical emergency when planning a holiday or a business trip. This is must insurance for people who tend to travel a lot. This is just to secure oneself against any unexpected incidents. And ignoring this insurance leads to a loss of a huge amount of money when an emergency strikes which risks your life. Travel insurance ensures iron clad protection for tourists against various perils that may otherwise ruin a pleasant trip. To have a safe and smooth trip you are always advised to take travel insurance beforehand only to ensure a pleasant mind during the trip. Let us discuss some of the major information that we think you should be aware of.

How to buy it?

Domestic travel insurance can be bought while making the booking on a travel aggregator website or app if the aggregator has a tie-up with insurance which also saves your time and also you need not work more to get your travel insurance, as one could more readily get it where you book your holiday. Else, you have another option that you can purchase separately from any general insurance company, online or offline.


You have many options to buy travel insurance like, one can buy a single trip travel insurance policy or an annual multi-trip cover. This idea of Multi-trip cover is more useful to people who travel more frequently thereby saving the time and money in booking single trip travel insurance every time. The multi-trip covers cost you less than the single trip travel. The policy can be purchased to cover the purchaser as well as his family members as well. It is also essential for one to check the rules and regulations stipulating the policy coverage for their family members under the age of 85 without any need for undergoing medical tests.

Some More Details

If you are moving forward to take up the insurance through an online medium then, the age of the family members who want to cover their life needs to be provided in the application form. A good online site where you can apply for a travel loan is MoneyIQ. Also, the application form asks you for the Name and the address of the insured, as well as travel dates, also need to be put up so that there is no further issue. Once you provide all the necessary details to the travel insurance company they calculate the premium according to the terms and conditions which they had already given to you and which you can pay it online through net banking, credit cards and also through e-wallets.

Travel Insurance Includes the Following: 

  • Trip Cancellation or Interruption Coverage: Trip cancellation insurance, sometimes known as trip interruption insurance as well as trip delay insurance also fulfills the loss of the traveler with reimbursing a traveler for prepaid, nonrefundable expenses during the travel. The most common reasons which can be accepted include illness, sudden business conflicts and also weather-related issues.
  • Baggage and Personal Effects Coverage: Baggage and personal effects coverage includes the protection of lost, stolen, or damaged belongings during a trip. It may include coverage during travel to and from the destination depending upon the insurance you chose for and it also depends upon the terms and conditions of the company providing insurance. During a flight journey, airlines reimburse travelers if baggage is lost or destroyed because of their error. The reimbursements depend on the packages you choose for your insurance it starts from a small amount and continues so it depends upon you, which package to choose so that you get more reimbursement.

Therefore, baggage and personal effects coverage provide you with an additional layer of protection. Many tend to look for travel insurance as they have gone through various travel-related issues. Many of the travel insurance policies pay for your belonging only after you exhaust all other available claims. You can get the best policy under Hong Leong Assurance. Also, credit cards may provide you automatic protection from things like delays and baggage or car accidents if used for deposits or other trip-related expenses. Airlines and cruise are responsible for loss and damage to your baggage during transport.

So, we hope we have been successful in providing you the best of all information related to travel insurance so that you can apply it in your practical life choosing the best policy from the best company.